Land & Conservation


This map will show you all the different places in Iowa that we SCPF have made to be of use to the public, and also to help with habitat preservation.

Managing existing public lands

Many of the wildlife habitat projects completed by chapters of Pheasants Forever involve managing or restoring habitat on existing state Wildlife Management Areas (WMA) or federal Waterfowl Production Areas (WPA). Managing existing public lands, in many instances, offers the best opportunity for immediate habitat and upland bird gains. Chapters of Pheasants Forever restore prairies through new plantings, perform prescribed burns to rejuvenate prairies, add shelterbelts for winter wildlife habitat cover, and more.

Seventy-five percent of Pheasants Forever members rate habitat preservation on public land as a main benefit of belonging to the organization.

Public Access to Private Land Habitat

Pheasants Forever works at state and federal levels on programs that make private lands accessible to the public – programs that also have wildlife habitat management components. On the federal level, this included pushing for the creation of the Voluntary Public Access (VPA) program to increase funding for state-level programs.

At the state level, Pheasants Forever administers or is a conservation partner on a number of popular programs that conserve pheasant habitat while allowing access to pheasant hunters, such as Iowa Habitat & Access Program (IHAP)

Free Food Plot Seed

Story County Pheasants Forever will provide free food plot seed to any Story County landowner while supplies last.  Please contact our Habitat Chair for more information.